
Showing posts from December, 2019


How is media language used to portray Corbyn to readers ahead of the election this week?  The Guardian, known to support Liberal Democrats but also to promote anti-conservative messages,  present Jeremy Corbyn in a positive light to influence the mainstream audience to vote for him. They do this by using a medium wide shot, of Corbyn surrounded by children, all with signs saying to vote for him. This presents that The Guardian support Corbyn. However, The Sun newspaper, a known Conservative paper, does the opposite by showing a close up, low angle shot to connote the feeling of inferiority to Corbyn, and the image is covered in a red filter to remind the mainstream audience of the semantics with the colour red (hell, blood, devil). This message also coincides with the title across the screen; "..would just be the start of a NIGHTMARE". This is very clearly supposed to influence the audience not to vote for Corbyn

Politics and the press in modern Britian

Boris Johnson- Conservative Nigel Farage- UKIP Jeremy Corbyn- Labour Caroline Lucas- Green Party Jo Swinson- Liberal Democrats The Daily Mail- Labour The Times- Labour The Daily Telegraph-Labour Daily Express- Conservative The Sun- Conservative i? - Labour Daily Mirror- Labour The Guardian- Labour

Union PostPone Strike

The 60s was a time for women standing up for themselves. This article shows they were protesting for there rights. There were were 3,500,000 pro strikers. Who was striking?  The Amalgamated Engineering and `Foundry Workers' Union. -Labour government were more lenient in terms of striking.  A Conservative government would be more strict and put protesters in prison. -This cover shows that people were now beginning to stand up for their rights, where women's rights were at the forefront of priority. -The 60s were a time of women standing up for themselves, for equal rights, for equal pay etc. After -WW1 and WW2, women were more commonly seen in the workplace, equal to men (however they did not have equal pay, which still continues today) The 60s was a time for protesting for peace. This title presents that  The Observer  stands with the protests against war. At the time the Vietnam war had been going on for 13 years (the war occurred through 19...


How is media language used on the covers to make the reader mistrust or trust the conservative party? On the Sun cover, David Cameron portrayed in a 'Childish' way by using a title next to his face looking unhappy 'Why should I do the hard s**t' This shows that he does not care and can't be bothered with Brexit or that its to difficult for him even though he's the prime minister . The term 'Teary' Portrays him subliminally  as a child. The Daily Express puts Theresa May in a different opinion. A medium close up shot is used to make her look kind and trusting to civilians with a bold title 'VOTE MAY OR WE FACE DISASTER' this shows that she's saying if you don't vote me disaster is going to happen.