Union PostPone Strike

The 60s was a time for women standing up for themselves. This article shows they were protesting for there rights. There were were 3,500,000 pro strikers.

Who was striking?
 The Amalgamated Engineering and `Foundry Workers' Union.

-Labour government were more lenient in terms of striking.  A Conservative government would be more strict and put protesters in prison.
-This cover shows that people were now beginning to stand up for their rights, where women's rights were at the forefront of priority.
-The 60s were a time of women standing up for themselves, for equal rights, for equal pay etc. After -WW1 and WW2, women were more commonly seen in the workplace, equal to men (however they did not have equal pay, which still continues today)
The 60s was a time for protesting for peace.

This title presents that The Observer stands with the protests against war. At the time the Vietnam war had been going on for 13 years (the war occurred through 1955-1975, this cover was published in 1968). The Vietnam War was a crucial point in history as a film crew went with the soldiers to Vietnam, and filmed the events, which were shown to normal citizens, and showed how terrible war actually was. This triggered many protests against war, with this Newspaper released and openly supporting these protests, unlike other newspapers at the time with opposing views that would disapprove of these 'hippie' protests.

Lawyers will urge divorce by consent  
The law commission is expected to recommend divorce by consent in a report to the lord chancellor. This will be the first major reform of substantive law to be recommended by this new body of paid servants of the crown , set up last year by the Government under the inspiration of the lord chancellor. The commission has accepted the analysis of the report of the archbishop of Canterbury's committee. This committee reported in July and recommended the abolition of the doctrine of the matrimonial offence i.e. adultery, cruelty or desertion and its substitution by a new doctrine of the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. The Law Commission is unable to accept this recommendation because of the immense volume of work which it would involve for the courts.   


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