1960s newspaper case study covers

What threatened newspapers in the 1960s?
  • Newspapers in the 1960s were already fearing competition from other media in this case television.
  • By 1965 Sunday newspapers had fallen to 25million.
  • Which represents 1.4 newspapers per house hold (a fall from over 2 per household in the 1950s)

What percentage had Sunday newspaper circulation figures fallen by 1965? The peak in newspaperscirculation was in the early 1950s, with decline ever since. By 1965circulation of Sunday newspapers had fallen to 25 million, which represented 1.4 newspapers per household (a fall from over 2 per household in the 1950s), meaning that it was common to buy more than one Sunday newspaper.

By comparison, by what percentage were figures down to in 2010? In 2005 the UK “current budget deficit” was less that £20 billion. ... In the Great Recession the deficit ballooned, to 6.9 percent of GDP in 2010Since then the deficit has steadily declined, to less than one percent GDP in 2017. At the end of March 2019 the “current budget deficit” was a surplus of 0.9 percent of GDP.


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