
Showing posts from January, 2019

Tv News Conventions

Interviews Pictures  Background music (sad) Sign Language  Intro Text Graphics


Celebrity deaths Parents thoughts on social media/video games Hidden meanings in songs

News Gathering

Where to gather news: -Online -Conversations -In the news  5Ws (and how) of news reporting -Who? -What? -When? -Where?  -Why? -How? Two step process to a story -Find a story  -Find someone to interview 

Recognising Fake News

-Research it -Read about it -If it comes from a dodgy website -Think about it before you share (is it true?)

News Sources

Where do journalists find news stories? -Internet/Social Media -Going to the place there reporting about -Listening to other peoples conversations  -Newspapers -Witnesses  -BBC - - -

Tips to get a journalism degree or job

-Start as soon as you feel ready -Find you niche -Grow your audience -Have fun with it -Try out different forms of content (written/video/online/social media) -Establish contacts -Have fun with it

Tips for sports story

-Know your audience (age,gender,class) -Do your research -Make it interesting -Validation -How are you pitching it -Where can you add your spin -A tight and interesting intro

What is news?

What is the purpose of news? -To inform the public about events. -Persuade people. -To be entertained. -To make money -Shows trends. Genres of news -Environmental -Fashion -Community -Data                  <------------- Main 8 Genres -Comics -Enterprise -Citizen -Advocacy  -Educational Data- Citizen- Advocacy- Community- Environmental- Fashion-